Nature spiritual leadership

Everything is connected,

 everything is inter depended, 

The web of life.

A workshop for you who:

are searching for tools to create a more holistic, environmental friendly, sustainable way, for you, your environment and you as a leader. 

Who seek to understand which change we need. 

You who understand real change starts from within people as well as in organisations. And that it takes guts and effort. 

You understand we are nature and need to reconnect to the rest of nature, repair what we have broken. 

You respect the earth and are curious on things like regenerative ways and permaculture 

You believe in equality. 

You understand we are spiritual beings. 

In other words, you are heading toward a regenerative way , but you are not total aware of what that actually look like, and how to accomplish. 

It can feel unmanageable. That is where nature wisdom comes in. Nature has 3.8 billion years of experience in building healthy sustainable resilience cycles  and systems . Creating life. 

We need to listen and learn from nature laws and logic, they are the fundament in us as in the rest of nature.

Nature organize through ecosystems, co operating cocreate and maintain life.

Every ecosystem is unique, like a fingerprint or snowflake

Nature, every organisation, business, school, association, family, local environment, people - all are individual different ecosystems!


Nature is the master who knows the best and can teach us how to solve these "life-administration knots" we have made. Nature can show us the simple genius heart led way.

That is what we will dive into in these courses

We dive into nature laws and logic, learn the mutual dynamic who create long term growth . You will learn how to see through problems with new eyes, adapt the nature solutions, "translate" them to action
WE dive into the ecosystems logic . How everything is interconnected and still maintain different, diverse.
You will learn to see business ecosystems, and the interconnection with the world around , the people, the economy, - you
You will get much wider understanding of how to act in these ecosystems, repair, change, evolve, regenerate

more to come..............